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Number of reference documents on E-government portal increases

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Three more reference documents are now available on the E-government portal

Three more reference documents have been integrated into the E-government portal as a result of joint efforts made by the operator of the E-government portal - Data Processing Centre of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription.  

Thus, users can now obtain reference documents online on vehicles registered in citizen’s name, citizen’s registration for military service, and citizen’s active service.

After being registered on the portal ( using e-signature certificate, the user can gain access to the E-government portal and obtain a reference document on vehicles registered in citizen’s name, which is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After registration on the portal the citizen will have access to this service and the automatically formed reference document will contain following information:  

- Citizen’s first name, last name and patronymic

- Vehicle registration number, date of registration

- Make of vehicle, production year, colour

- Number and capacity of engine

- Body number

A reference document on citizen’s registration for military service, which is issued by the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription, along with personal data on the citizen, the reference document contains information on the date and place of citizen’s registration for military service and citizen’s military rank.

Reference document on citizen’s active service, which is also issued by the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription, contains information on the date and place of citizen’s registration for military service, citizen’s military rank and citizen’s active service.

Note that required information on the user is automatically noted in the reference document after registration on the portal using e-signature. Reference documents obtained on the portal can be sent online or submitted to the relevant authorities in print format.