As we know, electronic signature is one of the tools, which is used for determining the identity of a user in virtual space. It is a code unit that performs all the functions of a signature in the electronic system, encodes electronic data sent and identifies the sender.
As an element confirming electronic document exchange, electronic signature provides secure and rapid implementation of a process in virtual space. This is the reason why the number of users of electronic signature continues to grow.
Thus, according to statistical data, the National Certification Services Center of the Data Processing Centre (DPC) issued a total of 101,730 e-signature certificates during the period from the date of commissioning of e-signature certificates in our country to 1 March of current year. 67, 042 of these e-signature certificates were issued to government bodies, 17,304 – to individuals and 17,384 – to legal entities.
It is to be noted that total number of e-signature certificates issued during the first two months of current year made up 1,514. 1,060 out of which were issued to government bodies, 94 – to individuals and 360 – to legal entities.
On top of that, the number of operations carried out with the use of electronic signatures continues to grow. Thus, a total of 19,419,473 authentication and e-signature operations have been carried out in our country thus far. 15,858,892 of these operations were carried out by government agencies and 3,560,581 out of which were carried out by individuals and legal entities. A total of 1,566,580 operations were carried out during the first two months of current year, which accounts for roughly 8% of the total number of operations. Of these, 1,062,498 operations were carried out by government bodies, 504,082 – by individuals and legal entities.