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Five more new services integrated into E-government portal

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Five new services of the Ministry of Justice have been integrated into the E-government portal, whose operator is Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (MTCHT).

These services include: “Online payment of debts and administrative expenses”, “Issuance of duplicative  certificates and references  for state registration  of acts of civil status”, “Provision of information on notarial actions and issuance of copies  of related documents  from  State Notarial Archive”, “Online application for changing surname, name and patronymic”, and “Provision of information on opening /closing of inheritance case”.  

Note that the service “Online application for changing surname, name and patronymic” does not require registration. However, to use the other services, one should register on the E-government portal. 

Thus, the number of electronic services that are provided by the Ministry of Justice through the E-government  reached  22.