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10 state bodies whose services used most frequently through E-Government portal in 2017

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In 2017, over 23 million people made visits to the electronic services available on the portal Electronic Government, which is operated by Data Processing Center (DPC) of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.      

During this period, the services of the following 10 state bodies were used most frequently :   
- Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population (9 341 135)
- Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (8 327 251)
- State Examination Center (3 173 948)
- State Customs Committee (961 392)
- Azersu OJSC (347 243)
- State Committee on Property Issues (103 965)
- Ministry of Internal Affairs (96 568)
- Ministry of Justice  (58 253)
- State Housing Construction Agency under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (54 417)
- State Migration Service (52 053)

According to statistics, the services provided on the portal were used by citizens more than 23 million times during the past year. The number of  citizens registered with  the portal over the last year  was some  200 thousand  and a  total number of users registered with  the portal  is  about 700 thousand.     
A number of social services generated interest among citizens,  such as “Subsidized Housing System” and “Electronic Mortgage System” of the State Housing Construction Agency under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan were also integrated into the portal.Moreover, the portal carries out exchanging information between government agencies. It should be noted that 7 data exchanges are carried out with 5 government agencies for “Subsidized Housing System” and 16 data exchanges are carried out with 5 government agencies for “Electronic Mortgage System”. 
41 new electronic services were integrated into the Electronic Government Portal for the period 2017. Thus, total number of e-services available on the portal reached 442.

With the view of making more efficient use of electronic services on the portal Electronic Government  by citizens, Data Processing Center and  Electronic Government Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies  continued  holding awareness-raising and outreach  activities, contests  and campaigns on a regular basis  both in Baku city and regions  in 2017.