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The number of users in the “ASAN Login” has exceeded 2 million

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The number of users in the "ASAN Login" Single Sign-On System, which is considered the key to electronic services, has exceeded 2 million. Compared to April 2020, the number of people registered on the portal increased rapidly and the number of users doubled. The reason for that is citizens want to use e-services more and save time and resources.

By registering in the "ASAN Login" created and managed by the E-GOV Development Center (EGDC), citizens can easily use the services of all integrated portals. At present, 28 institutions and about 60 systems have been integrated into the “ASAN Login” including “Electronic Agricultural Information System” (e-Agro), public procurement single web portal (e-Procurement), “ASAN pay”, e-social, “myGov” personal cabinet-based e-government platform, State Customs Committee and others.

To register, citizens can apply to the website There are 4 different registration opportunities for citizens:

• With identification number;

• With “ASAN Signature”;

• With electronic signature;

• With the signature of Bank Certificate Service Center (BCSC).

In March of the current year, the EGDC provided access to e-services for citizens who do not have an electronic signature, as well as those who do not have a mobile number in their name. Thus, citizens can register using video recording in the "ASAN Login". You can watch the instructional video on video recording here:  You can watch the instructional video on video recording here: .

In addition, citizens who are registered in the "ASAN Login", but forgot their password and changed their mobile number, can reset their password by adding a new mobile number to their personal account via video. You can watch the instruction video on password recovery here: 

The ultimate goal of the innovations implemented by EGDC in the "ASAN Login" is to facilitate citizens' access to electronic services, to solve civil problems related to forgetting different passwords and usernames on different portals, and in general, to accelerate the transition to e-government.

Questions related to the “ASAN Login” system can be found on the website in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section or by getting information from the 108 “Call” Center. You can also contact the “Digital Service Window” at the Baku “ASAN service” Center No. 5 as part of the initial pilot project. You can also create an account in the "ASAN Login" and get access to many services from a single location.

"ASAN Login" - simple, convenient, secure!