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The portal will be activated on June 26 to issue permits for the festivities

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The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan amended the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 151 of May 26, 2021 "On measures to extend the special quarantine regime and remove some restrictions." According to the Resolution, the festivities were allowed to be held under appropriate conditions.

Permission to hold the festivities must be obtained from the portal, managed by the Center for E-GOV Development (EGDC) of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The portal will be activated by the Center from June 26.

The owner of the venue or enterprise must enter into the portal information about the event halls operating within the facility, their capacity and working staff (including temporary employees). After the owner of the place enters the information about the employees into the portal, the information about the percentage of employees with COVID-19 passports will be displayed on the main page. As of July 1, 2021, at least 80 percent of work and service workers who require a COVID-19 passport will be required to be vaccinated the first dose against COVID-19 or have a certificate of immunity against COVID-19, from August 1, 2021, a COVID-19 passport is required.

Also, information on the date of the ceremony, start and end time (not later than 00:00), the number of guests must be added to the portal at least 5 days before the date of the celebration. In this case, a document of commitment between the owner of the venue and the owner of the wedding to comply with the requirements set out in the "Guidelines for the management of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) during the festivities" must be completed and uploaded to the portal. No adjustments can be made to the event 5 days before the start of the event.

An instructional video on how to use the system is available here: 

Due to difficulties with the portal, you can apply to the “Call” Center 9108.