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More than 2 million "ASAN Visa" were issued

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The number of visas issued under the "ASAN Visa" managed by the E-GOV Development Center (EGDC) of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has exceeded 2 million. The total number of visas issued to foreigners was 2,004,934.

The “ASAN Visa” system was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated June 1, 2016.

The “ASAN Visa” system provides the issuance of visas at the electronic visa portal and at international airports located in Azerbaijan.

Foreign citizens wishing to travel to Azerbaijan can apply for an "ASAN Visa" by accessing the portal from anywhere with an Internet connection. It is enough to have a valid passport or travel document to apply. Obtaining a visa is carried out in three stages:

• Completion of the application in electronic format;

• Payment;

• Sending the visa to e-mail.

The e-visa is issued within 3 hours (emergency visa application form) or 3 working days (standard visa application form).

The “ASAN Visa” portal and airport self-service terminals operate in 9 languages, including Azerbaijani, English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Arabic, Persian and Russian. “ASAN Visa”'s airport staff provides services to foreigners visiting our country in Azerbaijani, English, French, Spanish, German, Turkish, Indian, Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Urdu, Norwegian and Russian.