The Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (MTCHT) jointly with the EU Delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan organized a roundtable on “Development of e-services and e-commerce”. The event was attended by international experts, representatives of appropriate public authorities and other organizations.
International expert Christian Rupp was invited to our country at the MTCHT’s initiative and with the support of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan, for analysis of the situation in the field of e-services and e-commerce. The European Union expert together with local experts conducted analysis of the current state of the legal and institutional framework in the field of electronic services, identified existing gaps and needs and developed recommendations for improving the legal and institutional framework.
Highly appreciating the work done in this field in Azerbaijan, Christian Rupp delivered a presentation at the event.
Extensive discussions were held at the event on the current state and prospects for further development of e-services and e-commerce in Azerbaijan.
It was noted that MTCHT carries out regular work to improve and expand electronic services in the country and attaches much importance to the strengthening of international cooperation in this field.
Remind that the Data Processing Centre of MTCHT is the operator of the portal E-government. MTCHT acts as coordinator of the work carried out in this field and is closely working with other government agencies on the formation of e-government and carries out activities for creation of the appropriate infrastructure.
Currently, 427 different types of services provided by 89 organizations, including 41 government agencies are available on the portal E-government. 332 out of the 458 services approved by the Cabinet of Ministers have been integrated into the portal.
Mobile versions of the portal for iOS and Android operating systems were put into use in 2015 and in 2016, respectively.