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Next workshop on E-government portal and use of e-signature held

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In recent times, rapid expansion of electronization in all spheres has made it necessary to use the electronic signature. To this end, on May 4, a workshop was held in the E-Government Education and Training Center for the employees of the organizations of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.

At the seminar, information was provided on the activities of the E-government portal, the rules for using the electronic signature and its role in electronization, as well as most widely used electronic services.

At the second stage of the workshop, the participants tested a number of services offered through    the E- government portal.

The event ended with discussions. In the end, the participants were given username and password for access to the E-government portal.

E-government portal is a one-stop service that combines electronic services provided by government agencies. The portal, the aim of which is to ensure transparent governance  and provide efficient services, has been operating in the country for over 5 years, and gives an opportunity to the public authorities to openly present their electronic services in the internet environment.