A total of 23 635 703 authentication and electronic signature-related operations have been carried out.
Along with the growing number of electronic signature certificates, its scope of usage is also expanding in the country. Thus, a total of 10582 electronic signature certificates were issued by the National Certification Services Center of the Data Processing Center during 6 months of this year. 3440 of them were issued to government bodies, 2582 - to physical persons and 4560 - to legal entities.
The number of electronic signature certificates issued in the last month was about 3,000.That is, 2736 electronic signature certificates were issued only in June. 534 of them were issued to government bodies, 622 - to legal entities and 1580 - to physical persons.
A total of 110798 electronic signature certificates were issued in the country during the period from the launch of electronic signature certificates in the country to 1 July of this year. 69422 of them were issued to government bodies, 19792 - to physical persons and 21584 - to legal entities.
Additionally, the number of transactions made with the use of electronic signature also continues to grow. Thus, to date, a total of 23 635 703 authentication and electronic signature-related operations have been carried out in the country. 18 858 500 of them were carried out by government bodies and 4 777 203 - by legal entities and physical persons. 5 782 910 authentication and electronic signature-related operations were carried out in the country during the first 6 months of 2017, which makes about 24.47% of the total number of operations. 4 062 106 of them were carried out by government bodies and 1 720 804 - by legal entities and physical persons.
Note that electronic signature is one of the means of identifying a user in the virtual environment. Being a code unit, it performs all the functions of a signature in the electronic system, such as encoding of the sent data and identification of the sender. E-signature, as an element of verification of electronic documents, provides safe and rapid implementation of the process in virtual environment. In a word, having become part of everyday life, electronic signature has become a guarantor of convenience and security.