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"Electronic Lawyer" Information System Undergoes Improvements

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On January 27, the World Bank delegation led by Ms Eva Melis, the project manager of "Advanced judicial services and modern judicial infrastructure" project, visited the Bar Association of Azerbaijan.


 Welcoming the guests, Anar Bagirov, Chairman of the Bar Association stated that cooperation with the World Bank is critical important and drew their attention to the special importance of e-lawyering and e-services in this field. The Chairman reminded that pursuant to the Presidential Order dated 22 February 2018 "On additional measures related to the development of legal profession in the Republic of Azerbaijan", it has been recommended to the Bar Association to take action towards establishing a unified electronic information system and integrating it with "Electronic Court" information system: "We kicked off as soon as the Presidential Order was issued, and we took certain steps in this field. Still, I believe there is a need to improve "Electronic Lawyer" and build it seamlessly into "Electronic Court" information system. Overall, I would like to say thank you to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan for their consistent support to the Bar Association in terms of upgrading the "Electronic Lawyer". Besides, the Bar Association has now completed all the works related to "Electronic Warrant" system, and we plan to present it as a pilot project next month."


Anar Bagirov pointed out that certain effort has been delivered by the Board in terms of the electronic lawyer request: "There are still certain problems related to legal regulation, and so we have submitted our proposals to the relevant institutions. We believe that once they have been accepted, our lawyers will be able to send electronic lawyer requests through "Electronic Court" information system. These measures will prevent additional loss of time and funds, eliminate certain bureaucratic obstacles and non-procedural relations, and render legal assistance ever more effective."