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General list of electronic services
Show all services not requiring registration
Postal addresses - interactive map
Registration-free -
Verifying the authenticity of a document signed with electronic signature
Registration-free -
Find street code, postal codes and relevant district by street name
Registration-free -
Granting of a certificate of conformity for telecommunication facilities and devices
Registration-free -
Mail tracking
Registration-free -
Online payment of communications and public utilities charge
Registration-free -
Order for connection to AzDataCom internet service
Registration-free -
Ordering e-signature certificates by citizens
Registration-free -
Provision of information on numbers moved to another network through MNP service
Registration-free -
Search by phone number
Registration-free -
Search of agencies on classifier
Registration-free -
Street search by postal code
Inclusion of data for voters’ list
Registration-free -
Online application
Registration-free -
Search of addresses of constituencies and polling stations
Registration-free -
Search of constituencies and polling station by voters’ addresses
Registration-free -
Search of constituencies and polling stations by name, surname and patronymic
Registration-free -
Search of constituencies and polling stations on map
On publication of preliminary information on the procedure and deadline for liquidation of non-commercial legal entity and educational institution and providing creditors’ claims
Registration-free -
Apply for registration of periodicals
Registration-free -
Online application for a death certificate
Registration-free -
Online application for adoption
Registration-free -
Online application for changing surname, name and patronymic
Registration-free -
Online application for determination of paternity
Registration-free -
Online application for divorce
Registration-free -
Online application for registration of birth
Registration-free -
Providing information on outlet chains selling personal properties put up for auction by executive bodies as well as personal properties worth not more than AZN 5000
Registration-free -
Providing information on registration authorities and state registration of acts of civil status
Registration-free -
Providing information on Azerbaijani names
Online payment of administrative penalties for violation of rules of providing statistical data
Registration-free -
Online sale of statistical publications (books)
Registration-free -
Presentation of release calendar of statistical data and distribution calendar of published data
Registration-free -
Provision of statistical data (indicators)
Registration-free -
Submission of official statistical reports
Annual special report form on state of preservation and use of state property
Registration-free -
Checking uniqueness of commercial legal entity’s name
Registration-free -
Online application to the Minister of Taxes
Registration-free -
Online payment of state duties, fines and other payments
Registration-free -
Online provision of information on corruption cases and other violations in tax officials’ activity
Registration-free -
Online provision of information on improper conduct of tax officials
Registration-free -
Payment of administrative fines and financial sanctions via the internet
Registration-free -
Providing information of state register data of commercial bodies
Registration-free -
Providing information on registered taxpayers
Registration-free -
Providing information on taxpayers engaged in production activity
Registration-free -
Providing information on VAT payers
Registration-free -
Provision of information on tax debt by the Call Center
Registration-free -
Tax calculator
Registration-free -
Video reception of citizens
Providing information on temporary ban of departure from or arrival in the Republic of Azerbaijan of foreigners and stateless persons who have committed administrative offenses on cases of administrative offenses considered by the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Acquiring of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Extension of temporary staying period of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Extension of work permit to foreigners and stateless persons to carry out paid labour activity in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Issuance (extension) of permit for permanent residence of foreigners and stateless persons in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Issuance (extension) of permit for temporary residence of foreigners and stateless persons in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Issuance of work permit to foreigners and stateless persons to carry out paid labour activity in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Online payment of state fee and fines
Registration-free -
Registration of a candidate to participate in the competition for recruitment in the migration bodies
Registration-free -
Restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Registration-free -
Revocation of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Search of ID number of bachelors’ applications submitted for admission to bachelor degree
Registration-free -
Booking online appointment with SSAC management and officials
Registration-free -
Issuance of admission tickets to applicants via the internet
Registration-free -
Online acceptance of application from applicants for electronic specialty choice
Registration-free -
Online checking information about themselves in the SSAC’s “Student-Graduate System” by students at secondary educational institutions where final assessment (attestation) of students on general subjects is carried out
Registration-free -
Online sale of SSAC publications and their electronic versions
Registration-free -
Online submission of applications by candidates (applicants, bachelors, candidates (applying for residency))
Registration-free -
Online video lectures
Registration-free -
Providing graphic images of answer sheets to applicants via the internet
Registration-free -
Providing information on test results to applicants and participants of test exam via the internet or SMS
Registration-free -
Sign up for test exams