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General list of electronic services
Show all services not requiring registration
Acceptance of applications and documents for coordinating the distribution in the Republic of Azerbaijan of foreign periodicals,the founder or editorial office of which is located outside the Republic of Azerbaijan
Keeping records of operators and Internet telecommunications service providers
Verifying the authenticity of a document signed with electronic signature
Registration-free -
Apply for a certificate of compliance of vessel with the requirements of the “International Ship and Port Security Code”
Apply for a certificate of compliance of the port with the requirements of the “International Ship and Port Security Code” (legal entity)
Apply for a certificate of compliance of vessel with the requirements of the “International Safety Management Code”
Apply for a certificate of compliance on the requirements and documents of the Maritime company “International Safety Management Code” ( legal entity)
Apply for a certificate of insurance on civil liability or other financial security for bunker oil pollution damage
Apply for a certificate of title to ship
Apply for a certificate on financial provision of civil liability for oil pollution damage
Apply for a certificate on minimum staff structure
Apply for a certificate on the right to sail under the state flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Apply for a reference on removal of the vessel registered in Bareboat charter Register of the Republic of Azerbaijan from the register
Apply for a reference on withdrawal of a vessel registered in the State Vessels Registry of the Republic of Azerbaijan from the register
Apply for a ship’s Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) document
Apply for a special permit for circulation of items may belong to certain parties of civil circulation and circulation which is allowed only on the basis of special permission (with limited civil circulation)
Apply for a special permit for goods (work, facilities, results of intellectual activity) liable to export control
Apply for an extract to a vessel registered in Bareboat charter Register of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Apply for an extract to a vessel registered in the State Ship’s Registry of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Detailed information on agencies
Granting of a certificate of conformity for telecommunication facilities and devices
Registration-free -
Issuance of a special permit (license) to some types of activity
Acceptance of electronic customs declaration for customs clearance of goods and vehicles
Apply for information on electronic customs declaration
Providing information on goods registered at border checkpoints
Calculation of customs duties for import of transport
Registration-free -
Copies of documents required for clearance
Implementation of customs operations or customs procedures regarding customs duties
Registration-free -
My import / export operations
Provision of information on the range of goods,relevant customs duties applicable to goods and vehicles
Simplified declaration for individuals
On publication of preliminary information on the procedure and deadline for liquidation of non-commercial legal entity and educational institution and providing creditors’ claims
Registration-free -
Providing information on outlet chains selling personal properties put up for auction by executive bodies as well as personal properties worth not more than AZN 5000
Apply for a hygienic certificate to domestic and imported products
Apply for a permit to import of medications
Apply for a sanitary certificate for navigation (for vessels navigating inland waters)
Apply for a sanitary passport to hotels and hotel-type facilities
Apply for a sanitary passport to permit to transport of food products
Apply for a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion to construction and reconstruction projects
Apply for a state registration certificate on medications and drugs
Apply for an exemption certificate from sanitary control to vessels (for vessels navigating in inland waters)
Delivering of a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion for operation of X-ray cabinet
Giving of a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on compliance with sanitary rules of radioactive substances and materials, devices with ionizing radiation sources, equipment and methods and conditions of transportation of radioactive waste
Giving opinion on compatibility of plot of land for construction with sanitary norms and rules, hygiene standards
Issuance of a permission letter to names “medical”, “diet” on food products and equivalent names as well as placement of other advertising information on label
Issuance of sanitary-epidemiological conclusion for work with sources of ionizing radiation
Apply for connection to AzPOS system
“Elektron kredit və zəmanət” informasiya sistemi
Providing information on availability of apartments in high-rise residential building that have extracts from state real estate register
Apply for cancellation of the state registration of real estate usufruct
Apply for additional registration of real estate mortgage and cancellation of state registration of subsequent mortgage
Online changes of physical person’s accounting data
Online registration of taxpayer’s business entity (facility)
Acceptance of electronic declaration
Acceptance of electronic tax invoice
Acceptance of orders for sale by auction of state-owned non-residential areas that are at the disposal of local executive authorities, not in use and located in residential buildings
Acceptance of orders for sale by auction of shares of joint stock companies established as a result of transformation of small and large-scale enterprises
Acceptance of orders for sale of small enterprises (facilities) at auction
Acceptance of orders on sale by auction of facilities privatized as buildings under construction
Annual special report form on state of preservation and use of state property
Registration-free -
Apply for additional registration of real estate mortgage and state registration of subsequent mortgage
Apply for additional registration of real estate mortgage and state registration of subsequent mortgage
Apply for cancellation of the state registration of real estate leasing
Apply for sale by auction of state enterprises and organizations, as well as fully privatized joint-stock companies and cars and other vehicles exceeding demand owned by legal entities with state share in charter fund, including vehicles and equipment whose serviceable life is expired, fully eroded and ready to be written off
Apply for state registration of real estate mortgage
Apply for a certificate confirming origin country of products
Apply for a reference on addresses of real estate facilities
Apply for a reference on tax debt
Apply for annulment of notice on deduction for real estate mortgage
Apply for cancellation of state registration of servitude
Apply for compiling of technical documents (passport and plan size) on real estate
Apply for concluding “Tax Partnership Agreement”
Apply for extracts on real estate
Apply for provision of information from real estate state register
Apply for reconciliation acts
Apply for registration of grant agreements in respect of commercial legal entities
Apply for registration of notice on direction of deduction for real estate mortgage
Apply for state registration of real estate leasing
Apply for state registration of real estate usufruct
Apply for state registration of servitude
Cancellation of state registration of rights to real estate destroyed
Cancellation of commercial legal entity in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the printed publication where information on state registration of commercial legal entity is published, issuance of document confirming the fact of acceptance and printing of applications regarding publication of the first information on notification procedure and date of creditors’ claims
Checking uniqueness of commercial legal entity’s name
Registration-free -
Discount sale of small state-owned enterprises (facilities) to members of labour collective
Making online payments and replacements on VAT via single deposit account
Online application to the Minister of Taxes
Registration-free -
Online cancellation of registration for VAT purposes
Online change of accounting data of legal entity’s affiliate and representation
Online change of accounting data of taxpayer’s business entity (facility)
Online change of legal entity’s accounting data
Online deregistration of POS terminals
Online deregistration of taxpayer’s branch and representation
Online deregistration of taxpayer’s business entity (facility)
Online payment of state duties, fines and other payments
Registration-free -
Online provision of information on corruption cases and other violations in tax officials’ activity
Registration-free -
Online provision of information on improper conduct of tax officials
Registration-free -
Online provision of information on procurement
Online registration and deregistration of cash register
Online registration for VAT purposes
Online registration of taxpayer’s branch and representation
Online registration of commercial legal entities
Online registration of individual entrepreneurs
Online registration of POS terminals
Online restoration of activities of taxpayer’s business entity (facility)
Online restoration of activity of legal entity’s branch and representation
Online restoration of legal entity’s activity
Online restoration of physical person’s activity
Online submission of simplified tax declarations to tax authority
Online termination of activity of legal entity’s branch and representation
Online termination of activity of taxpayer’s business entity (facility)
Online termination of legal entity’s activity
Online tracking of execution of applications, requests and letters sent to the Ministry of Taxes by applicants
Opening accounts in banks
Payment of administrative fines and financial sanctions via the internet
Registration-free -
Payment of taxes and other budget revenues via the internet
Providing information of state register data of commercial bodies
Registration-free -
Providing information on budget details
Providing information on registered taxpayers
Registration-free -
Providing information on taxpayers engaged in production activity
Registration-free -
Providing information on VAT payers
Registration-free -
Provision of information on tax debt by the Call Center
Registration-free -
Questions and answers with taxpayers
Reference on calculation of current tax payments
Sale of property confiscated, remained unclaimed, transferred into state ownership on the basis of inheritance
Suspension of physical person’s activity
Tax calculator
Registration-free -
Video reception of citizens
Acceptance of applications and documents for carrying out of geodetic, gravimetric, photogrammetric and topographical work
Acceptance of applications and documents for compilation and publication of maps and atlases of various purposes
Acceptance of applications and documents in connection with the compilation of basic maps for GIS
Apply for a permission to special use of water
Apply for a special permit to circulation of items whose civil circulation is limited (ozone-depleting substances and products containing such substances)
Apply for a special permit to emission of harmful substances into the air and harmful physical effects
Apply for coordination and approval of environmental and normative documents
Apply for fishing tickets for industrial fishing
Apply for the status of allocation of mining to the extraction of subsoil mineral resources, construction and operation of underground facilities not related to the extraction of mineral resources
Giving of state ecological expert opinion related to the implementation of farming (economic) activities
Issuance of a permit to import and export of goods and materials related to the competence of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
Issuance of a permit for use of forest fund lands
Payment of fines, damages and payments via the internet
Apply for registration of trademark or geographical indication in the state register
Apply for registration of copyright objects
Apply for registration of agreements on issuance of trademark rights in the state register
Apply for a patent to invention, useful model or industrial sample
Apply for an extract from register data to invention, useful model, industrial sample, trademark or geographical indication
Apply for registration of facilities with related rights
Apply for a certificate on special economic regime to contractors and subcontractors to oil and gas activities for export purposes
Apply for a special license to export, import, re-export, re-import and transit of goods (work, facilities, results of intellectual activity) liable to export control and are within the competence of the Ministry of Energy.
Apply for a special permit to production of precious stones, gold and other precious metals, crude oil, petroleum products and production and processing of natural gas, as well as circulation of waste processing of oil and oil products